Tameside Futures
Tameside Futures is here to support you, if you live in Tameside, are aged 16-18* and not in Education, Employment or Training.
Every young person taking part in the initiative will get dedicated support from a coach who will take time to talk to you and understand your needs, capabilities, and aspirations and help you come up with a plan to get you to a place where you can do what you want to do.
There is lots of support available around things like employability, basic skills, life skills, mental health and a variety of courses and training options that can help you reach your goals.
Tameside Futures works with employers, colleges, charities, and training providers to source the right opportunities and support to help you on your path.
* The following are also eligible:
Aged 15 and at risk of becoming NEET
Age 19-21 if a care leaver
Aged 19-24 with an EHCP