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Putting you on the path to great jobs in Greater Manchester
Aged 14-18? Not sure what jobs are out there or what qualifications you need?
Beeline puts you on the path to all the great job opportunities right here in Greater Manchester.
This tool is an important part of the Greater Manchester Baccalaureate, the Mayor of Greater Manchester's vision to give you a clear line of sight through technical education routes into high quality jobs within our city region.
Explore the gateways:
These gateways are supported by:
Find your dream career and see how you can get there.
Explore jobs and see which qualifications could help you take your next best step into Greater Manchester's thriving economy.
The Greater Manchester Baccalaureate has been co-designed by education and business leaders and will open up a clear pathway from school to high-quality jobs in our growing economy.
It's been designed to signpost you to the qualifications that employers in Greater Manchester value the most.
The MBacc is aligned around seven gateways which correspond to the growing sectors in GM's economy. Each gateway has been designed and shaped by local data and some of our most prestigious employers.

This service was made possible by generous support from EMCode.